Discipline is an integral part of the learning process and essentialfor the all round development of the child
- Every student is given a copy of the school diary which must be brought daily to the school.
- All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse.
- When the first bell is rung all students are expected to enter the respective classes in silence and prepare for the day’s lesson. When the second bell is rung, all students should march to the assembly ground and after the assembly they should proceed to their classes in perfect order.
- When the teachers enter the classrooms, the students shall rise, greet them and remain standing till they are asked to sit down. They shall thank the teachers when the classes are over.
- Punctuality and regular attendance are insisted upon. Late comers, without written explanation from the parents or the guardian, will not be admitted to the class. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, misbehavior even outside the school premises and insubordination to school authorities can bring about disciplinary action against the students.
- Students who are absent for a month without permission will have their names struck off the rolls. If they seek readmission, they will be charged admission fees.
- Students must behave with dignity and gentleness both inside and outside the school. Perfect silence must be observed in the class rooms.
- Language is a matter of habit and practice. All students are expected to speak only English when they are in the school campus.
- Class rooms are reserved for study only and not for any sort of recreation. Students are forbidden from disfiguring the walls and furnitures by scribbling on them, littering papers in the class rooms of cause any kind of damage the school property
- Any kind of damage caused to the equipments, furniture, building etc., will have to be made good by the student himself.
- Every student shall greet the Principal, teachers and members of the non-teaching staff when they meet them in the school or even outside the campus.
- Students are forbidden from bringing to the class rooms any articles, electronic gadgets, books or magazines which are not approved by the school.
- A student shouldn’t enter any classrooms other than his/ her own without obtaining permission from the proper authority. They shall also not enter the staff room without permission. The students shall change their places in the class room only with the permission of the class teacher
- No students are allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the school authorities.
- All students are expected to take part in the assembly. Students who wish to be exempted from physical training or games on medical grounds should produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
- Students who fail to show interest and progress in the studies will be asked to leave the school without prior information. They must be up-to-date in their works. The Principal may conduct inspection at any time without prior notification.
- Students are permitted to stay in the school premises for games and other co-curricular activities only till 5.00 p.m. The school authorities will not be responsible for the safety of the children after the regular school hours.
- Private tuition either at home or in the school is not recommended. The teachers are not permitted to give private tuition. In exceptional cases, written permission should be obtained from the principal to avail such facilities.
- Students, who fail in the same class in two consecutive years, will be requested to take transfer certificates without prior information. So also a student who discontinues his studies during the academic year without obtaining written consent from the principal.
- No student shall be promoted to the higher classes or be admitted to the Public Examination, unless the student has attended the classes for the required number of working days.
- Latecomers and absentees should produce leave letter written and signed by the parent or the guardian on the following day when they come to the school. Latecomers are likely to lose attendance of the day
- To attend marriage, pilgrimage religious ceremony etc. on a working day, the student should have obtained prior written permission of the principal. In cases or prolonged illness the application for leave should be validated by a registered medical practitioner.
- Students are expected to maintain pin-drop silence in the class rooms during the class hours.
Parents as well as teachers are equally responsible for the all round education of the children. Hence, the parents and the guardians are earnestly requested to keep in mind the following points.
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by taking an active part in the activities.
- Parents and guardians are requested not to walk around the school or visit classes during the class hours without the permission of the principal.
- Any communication (request of complaint) made by the parent or the guardian should be addressed to the principal and not to the teachers. Mention should be made of the child’s name and class.
- Check your child’s school diary every day and ensure that the lessons and assignments are done regularly. Remarks made in the diary by the school authorities should be signed and taken note of it.
- Acknowledge and respond by signing regularly all circular and progress reports sent by the school after each tests and terminal examinations. Failures in this regard will cause unnecessary inconvenience to the child.
- Make sure that your child is punctual and regular to the school. Regular late-coming will be considered as a serious fault.
- Don’t send any child to the school who are suffering from infectious and contagious diseases until he/she is completely cured.
- The management is not responsible for the loss of jewellery, money or any other articles of the children. The students should be send to the school in proper and decent uniform.
- Parents are requested not to come in and stroll along the verandah before school is over and thus help maintain discipline and order.
- You may meet the Principal and discuss the academic performance of your child from time to time.
- All the students should be present in the examination rooms when the first bell is rung
- Strict silence should be observed in the examination hall throughout the examination.
- Articles like books, bags etc., should be kept out of the examination hall before the examination begins. Do not carry any study materials or class notes to the examination hall
- Each and every student must try his/her level best to maintain a calm, peaceful and anxiety free atmosphere that will be conducive for writing the examination. Any student who does not abide by the instructions will be dealt with as per the rules and regulations of the school given from time to time.
- Students are advised not to carry any book or paper to the examination, since it might disturb the good ambiance in the examination hall.
- No student will be allowed to borrow or lend any articles during the examination, since it might disturb the good ambiance in the examination hall.
- Name and Roll No. should be written on the question paper as soon as they distributed to the students. Nothing else other than the name and roll number should be found on the question paper.
- No student will be allowed to go out of the examination room before the end of the allotted time for the paper. Every student must make the best use of allotted time to write the exam neatly and legibly
- While writing the papers, the following norms are to be remembered.
- Read the whole question paper at least once, before you begin to answer.
- Furnish all the necessary details on the answer sheet at the very outset of the examination.
- Write question numbers correctly with blue ink. Underline the important points with blue ink. After completion of each answer, draw a line with a pencil. Do not use red ink for any purpose.
- Do not use ball-point pens for any purpose (up to Std. X).
- Write your roll number, standard and division on each additional sheet as soon as you receive it.
- For rough work a separate sheet can be used and this sheet should be attached to the answer papers. For Maths rough work should be shown/drawn on the right side of the answer sheet.
- The answer sheets are to be properly numbered and tied together (page-wise and not sheet-wise). The total number of pages should be written on the front page.
- If there is any doubt, students should raise their hands and ask the invigilator. Do not try to clarify the doubts by discussing them with your class mates/ companion.
- At the end of the examination, read the answers carefully and correct the simple mistakes that might have crept in.
- Check the question paper and answers you have written. In case of any printing error notify them to the invigilator immediately (e.g…., a blank page).
- Check the question numbers, divisions and subdivisions carefully. Read the instructions given on the question paper and verify it with the answer sheet.
- After the examination, hand over the answer sheets to the invigilator, collect your articles and leave the examination room and building in silence. (Duration of examination for Different classes is not the same).
- No student will be allowed to wait outside the examination room or in the corridors.